Initial commit

So I finally got round to setting up a Jekyll blog. I’d like to make a habit of recording my development process. It feels like a good habit to get into, forcing myself to put my thoughts into words. It’ll improve my writing skills as well as my patience. I have a tendency to rush and make things sub-optimal. Instead, I’ll have to take my time to document the steps in my process.

I plan on doing individual posts on topics I research as well, jotting down summaries on what I’ve read. I find myself often skimming over articles and concepts, quickly forgetting what they are about. I am a firm believer in the whole “if you can’t explain it simply you don’t understand it well enough” school of thought and aiming for that point will help me be more active in my reading.

It’s going to take some time to get out of my current ways. I’m pretty impatient at the moment, wanting to get things done as quick as possible. I think I can slow down a bit, and I’d like to see how this experiment goes. Only time will tell.